The strategic task force on Advancing Duke Science and Technology is charged with advising the president, provost, and chancellor for health affairs as they seek to strengthen select areas of science and technology at Duke University. Among the areas of focus of the task force will be, 1) recruitment and retention of faculty, 2) commercialization of discovery, and 3) funding of research.

Advancing Duke Science and Technology Task Force Membership, 2018-2019

Stephen Pagliuca, Chair
Sally Kornbluth, Vice Chair
Gene Washington, Vice Chair
Uzoma Ayogu
Grace Beggs (Graduate and Professional Student)
Nathaniel Brooke (Undergraduate Student)
Paul Farmer
Kathy Franz (Faculty)
Dionna Gamble (Graduate and Professional Student)
Edward Gilhuly
Amy Hafez (Observer)
William Hawkins
Bob Lefkowitz (Faculty)
Steve Lisberger (Faculty)
Carmichael Roberts
Guillermo Sapiro (Faculty)
Steven Scott
Jackie Xu (Undergraduate Student)
     Cam Kelly, Senior Assistant Vice President for Principal Gifts, ex officio