The Graduate and Professional Education and Research Committee has fiduciary oversight for graduate and professional education and research at the University, including the articulation of the mission of the University as it relates to graduate and professional education and research; enhancing the quality of the relevant programs; considering new graduate and professional schools and degree programs and significant modifications to existing graduate and professional schools and degree programs, including those located outside of Durham; fostering recruitment of the highest quality faculty, faculty development and other faculty priorities; all matters relating to the graduate and professional student experience (including academic, extra-curricular, and co-curricular affairs) and libraries and library systems; and promoting scholarly research.

Graduate and Professional Education and Research Committee Membership, 2024-2025

Patty Morton, Chair 
Amy Abernethy
Merlise Clyde (Faculty)
Bill Kaelin
Allan Kirk (Faculty)
Kate Kutzer (Graduate/Professional Student)
Warren Lattimore 
Steve Pagliuca
Gregory Palmer
Vikas Patel
Ann Pelham
Michael Rhodes
Rich Stureborg (Observer)
Keanu Valibia (Graduate/Professional Student)
    Ed Balleisen, Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies, ex officio
    Suzanne Barbour, Dean of The Graduate School, ex officio
    Alec Gallimore, Provost​, ex officio
    Mary Klotman, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, ex officio